
CDPs Rank First on Martech Wish List: Oracle Study

This Ascend2 survey for Oracle has lots of interesting information, but also some puzzles.  For example: CDPs rank first on the list of planned martech investments (37%) but data silos data and poor integration fall last on the list of challenges.  Or consider this:  82% say they want to change some stack components to improve performance while 88% say they already have access to appropriate data for marketing decisions.

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28% of Senior Leaders Wouldn’t Trust Their Personal Data to Their Own Organization: Thales Group

April 1, 2022

Finally, Thales Group offers a study with the delightfully obvious conclusions that companies do a poor job of protecting sensitive data and that remote work makes things even worse.  The problem is certainly obvious to corporate leaders: 28% said they wouldn’t trust their own personal data to their organization.  Hey, they may be inept but they’re not stupid.

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IT Leaders Stress Security Ahead of Innovation Speed: Kong Survey

March 31, 2022

Data connectivity vendor Kong surveyed tech staff, not marketers. That group ranked poor integration, in the form of multiple technologies, as the top obstacle to innovation. In fact, even though 75% fear competitive failure if they don’t innovate, the group rated security, performance, and reliability as more important than innovating quickly. On the other hand, they’re all-in on microservices, with more than half running at least 50 and 86% seeing them as “the future”.

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