
Consumers Prefer Effective Service Over Recognition: CCW Digital Report

In our on-going campaign to convince you that consumers care more about convenience than personalization, here’s a study for CallMiner by CCW Digital. They found the most important attributes of customer service are accurate information and resolution (42%) and speed and efficiency (33%). Proving they know you was dead last at 2%. Lots more here if you want to know what consumers say makes a good experience.

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Quotient Targets In-Store Digital Ads Based on Individual Data

September 28, 2020

Everyone’s favorite example of spooky personalization is Minority Report, and particularly the mall scene where advertising posters talk to specific individuals. I though that had finally happened when I saw that Quotient was offering in-store digital ads targeted with “proprietary shopper intent data and exclusive shopper purchase data”. But it turns out they’re just analyzing that data and then targeting locations that are most likely to attract particular audiences, not individuals. So at least one dystopian nightmare hasn’t come true in 2020. Yet.

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