
FTC to Examine Ten Years of Big Tech Acquisitions

Finally, in honor of President’s Day, our Who’s Buried in Grant’s Tomb Award goes to the U.S. Federal Trade Commission, which has announced it will examine every acquisition made by Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Microsoft in the past ten years to see if they were trying to stifle competition. Bets don’t get much safer.

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Data Quality Is a Losing Battle: O’Reilly Report

February 14, 2020

I couldn’t find another video story but you could make a great horror movie from this O’Reilly report on data quality. Open with a shot of data analyst angrily slamming down a newspaper article headlined “80% of organizations don’t follow data governance best practices”, follow her futile battle to gather enough resources to do her job, and end with her slowly going mad as she tries to reconcile endless, inconsistent data sources. Okay, maybe you won’t win an Oscar with that one.

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Movable Ink Integrates With Adobe Journey Optimizer

October 4, 2024

Email and mobile personalization platform Movable Ink has announced a new integration between its Da Vinci content personalization solution and Adobe Journey Optimizer. Joint customers will be able to develop content assets aimed at each individual email recipient and bring them into Adobe Journey Optimizer for deployment. This builds on an existing integration between Movable Ink Da Vinci and Adobe Campaign.

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