
Historic Achievement: Microsoft has made a major breakthrough in speech recognition, creating a technology that recognizes the words in a conversation as well as a person does.

In a paper published Monday, a team of researchers and engineers in Microsoft Artificial Intelligence and Research reported a speech recognition system that makes the same or fewer errors than professional transcriptionists.  The researchers reported a word  error rate (WER) of 5.9 percent, down from the 6.3 percent WER the team reported just last month.

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Q3 Investscape: Martech Sails Slow Yet Steady Through July-August-September with $2834.6 Million in Funding

October 20, 2016

The third quarter of 2016 saw 105 VC and private equity deals in martech companies for a total of $2834.6 million, a 1.25% dip compared to Q3 2015. These figures confirm the consistent growth in martech following a massive Q2, where over $5000 million in funding flowed into martech companies. MarTech Advisor currently tracks over 5,000+ companies spread over 44 categories in their martech list, and while different analysts may track the martech sector differently, most reports suggest a fairly substantial and steady growth in martech funding.

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