
IT’S THE LAW (04/27/2021)

A new U.S. bipartisan bill, The Fourth Amendment is Not for Sale Act, is designed to close a law enforcement data access loophole. It requires government intelligence and law enforcement agencies to obtain a court order to access data from brokers that sell personal information. It would also ban the purchase of data obtained illegally, through hacking, or violation of terms of service, or from a user’s account or device, targeting techniques used by Clearview AI and others.

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American Press Institute/Associated Press study finds 1/3 Americans don’t think facts matter

April 27, 2021

A survey of more than 2500 U.S. adults indicates that of five journalism values tested, facts mattered most, but still 1/3 overall didn’t feel facts are the key to knowing what’s true.  There’s even less agreement with other journalism values, with just 29% agreeing that exposing problems is the best way for society to solve them. Support for these values had less to do with political party or ideology than with moral instincts that cut across demographics.

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