
IT’S THE LAW (09/19/2023)

The Delaware Personal Data Privacy Act is now the 12th US state privacy law.  The Act allows residents to opt out of ads based on pseudonymous data collected over time – including data stored on cookies or other identifiers. Ads based on first-party data or contextual ads are still fine.

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Consumers to start trading privacy for AI-driven retail deals

September 19, 2023

A UserTesting survey of consumers in the US, Australia and UK found consumers will consider trusting AI for a good retail deal. Of those surveyed – 2,000 US, and 1,000 each in Australia and the UK – 87% of US consumers were willing to exchange personal information for savings and exclusive deals, compared with 24% AU and 27% UK. Around a third (36% US, 28% AU, 39% UK) were willing to use AI for auto-ordering and shopping online.

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