
Mobile Games Can Reach Audiences Not Impacted by Social Ads: Digital Turbine

Although 70% of consumers are mobile gamers, 21% of mobile gamers aren’t reached by social ads. With 150 million mobile gamers in the U.S., that 21% represents a large potential audience. Games represent 10.6% of all mobile time spent but only 3.9% of total ad spend, leaving big opportunities, according to a report by mobile ad agency Digital Turbine in collaboration with app intelligence firm Apptopia.

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Interpublic Group Partners with Adobe to Launch an Integrated Marketing Platform

March 1, 2024

Interpublic Group (IPG), the ad agency and media holding company, has launched IPG Engine, a platform that leverages Adobe GenStudio for AI-driven content creation, production and activation. Adobe capabilities available in GenStudio include Adobe Workfront, Adobe Experience Manager, Adobe Express and Adobe Firefly. The Engine will leverage IPG-owned Acxiom’s data and identity tools to support its profiling and audience creation capabilities.

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