
One-Third of Responders Seeing Fewer RFPs: Loopio Report

Consumer responses to the pandemic have been widely reported but less is known about B2B buyers. Here’s a survey from Loopio, which makes software that helps companies respond to RFPs. As of early April, 33% of respondents had seen a drop in the volume of RFPs they received and another 35% said it was too early to tell. Sixty percent were working from home for the first time although just 12% said remote RFP collaboration was a top challenge.

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Microsoft and Google Improve Zoom Alternatives

April 21, 2020

Widespread reports about Zoom security problems have given a second chance to competitors. Microsoft and Google are responding with minor tweaks. Google now lets users start a Google Meet session from within Gmail, while Microsoft promised (on Twitter) that Teams users will be able to see videos of up to nine chat participants by the end of April.

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Few Low Income Workers Can Work from Home: YouGov Research

April 17, 2020

It’s easy to forget that not everyone is working from home. This Yahoo News/YouGov poll brings the class divide into sharp focus: 66% of people without household income over $100,000 are working from home compared with 18% with incomes under $50,000. The lowest income brackets are half as likely to have paid sick leave (31% vs 68%) and twice as likely to fear they’ll lose their job in the next month (36% vs 18%).

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Movable Ink Integrates With Adobe Journey Optimizer

October 4, 2024

Email and mobile personalization platform Movable Ink has announced a new integration between its Da Vinci content personalization solution and Adobe Journey Optimizer. Joint customers will be able to develop content assets aimed at each individual email recipient and bring them into Adobe Journey Optimizer for deployment. This builds on an existing integration between Movable Ink Da Vinci and Adobe Campaign.

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