
Oracle Buys Cloud-Based Loyalty Platform CrowdTwist

Lots of small-but-significant news today, Dear Reader. Oracle has purchased cloud-based loyalty platform CrowdTwist. Industry trends illustrated: marketers focus on full life cycle, not just acquisition; cross-channel orchestration; shift to cloud; expanded scope for enterprise marketing vendors; prebuilt campaigns to speed deployment.

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European High Court Rules Cookies Need Clear, Specific, Active Consent

October 4, 2019

Any remaining hope that current online data sharing practices would somehow survive pretty much died this week, when the European Union’s highest court ruled that placing any cookie requires “active consent” – as in ticking an unticked-by-default check box – and that cookies for data sharing can’t be combined with cookies for other purposes. The ruling also specifies that consent language clearly identify the third parties that will gain access to the data.

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