
Salesforce Solutions Digitally Transform Saudi Arabia-based AlMalki Group’s Luxury Retail Experiences

Salesforce’s customer relationship management solutions are empowering AlMalki Group, a Saudi-based family-owned business, which specializes in the luxury retail and distribution market, to digitally transform the GCC’s $29 billion e-commerce market. AlMalki Group represents more than 105 international brands both online and in boutiques.

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Budget Woes Slow Martech Growth: CMSWire Report

September 15, 2021

Surveys usually find that marketers love their martech, but CMSWire reports that just 11% of digital CX executives say their tools are working well. The foul mood may reflect budget issues, which replaced siloed systems as the top digital CX challenge. CDPs are caught in the downdraft: only 18% list them as an investment priority, compared with 29% last year, even though the number considering a purchase remained the same at 33%.  The report does find that successful teams are more likely to have a CDP.

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