
Samsung alerts UK customers of a data breach due to year-long data hack attack

Three years after the fact, Samsung was alerted to a 2019-2020 data breach that exploited a vulnerability in a third-party application and exposed personal data of an unspecified number of customers who made purchases through its UK store. Samsung isn’t currently answering questions beyond its statement announcing the breach.

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Irish privacy group flags RTB data as major security risk for EU

November 21, 2023

The Irish Council for Civil Liberties (ICCL) has issued a report claiming that real-time bidding (RTB), the automated buying and selling of online ad impressions, is being used to target EU military personnel and political decision-makers. This after the ICCL analyzed tens of thousands of pages of RTB data and determined that it would be possible to match sensitive information collected about EU leaders with their location and other data and leave them vulnerable to blackmail or other harms.

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