
Social Platforms Are Getting Worse at Controlling Misinformation: Free Press Report

Free Press is an activist organization dedicated to individual and press freedoms, so you won’t be surprised that they’re highly critical of how social media platforms are handling misinformation.   Still, this study provides a good overview of the many ways those platforms have failed to act responsibly in the past year.  They offer suggestions for how the platforms and government can make things better, although the chances for adoption are slim.

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EU Court of Justice Rules Automated Credit Scoring May Violate GDPR

December 11, 2023

The EU Court of Justice was especially feisty last week, issuing several rules that put new constraints on credit agencies.  Most significantly, the Court determined that calculated credit scores are automated decision making, which GDPR prohibits without user consent. The Court also limited data retention and gave national courts the right to review decisions by national data protection authorities, which have often been notably lax in their enforcement efforts.

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Bloomreach and Spryker Partner for Composable Commerce

December 8, 2023

The meaning of “Composable CDP” depends mostly on what the person using it is trying to sell you, but Composable Commerce has a clearer definition, backed by standards of the vendor-neutral MACH Alliance.  Bloomreach, the only CDP that’s also a MACH member, just partnered with commerce platform Spryker to make Spryker functions more accessible to Bloomreach personalization and search.  Consider it a reminder that connecting one composable system to another is not entirely effortless.

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