
Zendesk Challenges Salesforce with Cloud-Based CRM Platform

Cloud-based customer service platform Zendesk has launched Sunshine, an open standards-based CRM platform that could be a serious competitor to Salesforce and Oracle. Sunshine runs on Amazon Web Services, can ingest data from any source, supports custom objects, and supports apps from outside developers. Zendesk says 60,000 custom apps already run on the system. It has further seeded the market with its own sales force automation and data analytics apps.

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SnapLogic Offers Self-Service Machine Learning

November 15, 2018

Data and process integration vendor SnapLogic had two announcements yesterday: AI-powered workflows to automate IT integration projects and self-service machine learning. SnapLogic argues that “machine learning is an integration problem” because of all the data preparation and movement involved. It’s an odd perspective but it does illustrate automation of yet another process that once required highly skilled humans.

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Consumers Put Practical Value Ahead of Feelings When Rating Customer Service: SurveyMonkey

November 13, 2018

Lest you conclude that consumers are entirely irrational, a SurveyMonkey survey found they have a remarkably pragmatic view of why they’d lose trust in a company – placing poor product experience (81%) and poor customer service (78%) far ahead of a security breach (49%) or offensive advertising (46%). Similarly, 76% of U.S. consumers rated resolving problems as the most important element of customer service compared with just 37% who listed “feeling the customer service agent cares about you.”

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