
Companies with Strong Privacy Practices Have Fewer Data Breaches: Osano Research

You’re probably not surprised that better data leads to better business results, but would you have guessed that better privacy practices correlate with fewer data breaches? Our friends at privacy tech vendor Osano rated 11,000 Web sites and found sites with the weakest privacy were twice as likely to be breached and lost seven times as many records when they were. Something to bear in mind when you’re deciding which companies can be trusted with your data.

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CDPs Still a High Priority for Retailers: CommerceNext Study

July 23, 2020

Customer Data Platforms remain a high priority investment for retailers despite the pandemic, according to this CommerceNext survey for Exponea. The fraction planning to increase CDP spending fell from 58% in January to a still-respectable 49% in June, dropping CDPs from first to second on the list. Traditional retailers are more interested in CDP than digital-first retailers. Lots more here, including a distressing decline in plans to invest in security and privacy.

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