
Epic Games Wins Play Store Suit Against Google

Anyone who’s tried to pry an iPhone from the fingers of its owner knows that Apple and Android serve very separate markets.  That wasn’t clear to the judge in Epic Games’ app store monopoly suit against Apple two years ago, but a jury saw things differently yesterday in Epic’s parallel suit against Google’s Play Store.  Google will appeal the decision, of course, but it seems that alternative payment options are only a matter of time.

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Companies Struggle to Build Custom Product Integrations: Merge Survey

December 12, 2023

This survey from Merge, which sells product integration tools, highlights the challenges of working outside an app store to build integrations on your own. It found 68% of companies have built fewer than 10 integrations with customer-facing systems, even though they’d like many more. CRM and marketing automation integrations are the most common, and home-built integrations often face problems with performance, scalability and long-term maintenance.

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