
Facebook being investigated for antitrust violations

The UK’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) and EU’s Competition Commission are investigating whether Facebook is misusing ad data to gain unfair advantage over competitors. They plan to coordinate efforts and look into use of data for classified ads and online dating. This heightens the risk for Facebook.

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Google to erase Ad IDs for Android users who opt out of personalized ads

June 8, 2021

While Apple forced apps ask permission for 3rd-party tracking, Android will wait for them to opt-out before automatically erasing the Ad ID field.  It’s a step towards greater privacy but will also hinder analytics and fraud detection.   Google has said that it will provide an analytics and fraud detection alternative in July.  The company also plans to offer users more privacy options.

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IT’S THE LAW (06/08/2021)

June 8, 2021

Maryland and Montana are first in the U.S. to restrict police use of DNA matching. The new laws are consistent with increasing privacy concerns about use of consumer genetic data. Maryland’s new law will require a judge’s sign-off before DNA markers from a crime scene can be matched against genealogy data. Montana will require investigators to have a search warrant before being allowed to use a consumer DNA database – unless the individual’s right to privacy has been waived.

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