In Brief: Apple pulls back from giving push notifications to police
This following US Senator Ron Wyden’s reveal that Apple and Google were providing governments collected data without user knowledge or consent.
This following US Senator Ron Wyden’s reveal that Apple and Google were providing governments collected data without user knowledge or consent.
The group, SDBN also has Amazon and X (formerly Twitter) in its sights.
Google has taken another small step on its thousand-mile journey to third party cookie deprecation, announcing that third-party cookies will be deprecated for real on 1% of Chrome browsers worldwide. The idea is to encourage the industry to test Privacy Sandbox, Google’s collection of privacy-protecting tracking alternatives. Meanwhile, The Trade Desk just blasted Privacy Sandbox and urged use of alternative identifiers, which of course have problems of their own.
CDP Twilio Segment has added an Amazon Redshift connector (in public beta) to Linked Audiences. This enables Segment queries to integrate data residing in Redshift without importing it. Similar connectors are already available for Snowflake and Databricks.