
Integrate Launches New Media Division

B2B demand management platform Integrate has announced the launch of Pipeline360, a new media division. Pipeline360 will have capabilities for managing display advertising and content syndication as well as marketing intelligence. Said Integrate, 38% of marketers we surveyed didn’t know what content syndication is.

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Microsoft Announces New Generative AI Capabilities for Marketers and Retailers

January 12, 2024

Microsoft is introducing new copilot features to Dynamics 365 Customer Insights to help marketers build end-to-end projects and campaigns by using natural language prompts or uploading creative briefs. Copilot will respond with a project board and recommended content. Also, with NRF looming, a copilot template will help retail marketers to build personalized shopping experiences.

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FTC Halts Sales of Sensitive Location Data by X-Mode and Outlogic

January 11, 2024

The Federal Trade Commission has stepped in to ban X-Mode Social and its successor company Outlogic from sharing or selling sensitive location data. This is in a settlement of FTC allegations that the company sold location data that could be used to track, for example, visits to reproductive health clinics or domestic abuse shelters. This is the FTC’s first settlement with a data broker over the use of sensitive location information.

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CDP Industry Continues Shift to Embedded Systems: Report

January 20, 2025

The second half of 2024 saw the CDP industry continue its shift towards embedding CDPs in customer-facing systems, according to the CDP Institute’s latest Industry Update report. Nearly all firms new to the report had added a CDP to an existing product, and major acquisitions including ActionIQ, Lytics, and mParticle were all made by customer management vendors. The new report adds coverage of composable CDP vendors, which is still a much smaller sector than conventional CDP systems.

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