
IT’S THE LAW (10/31/2023)

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has been drafting an AI ethics and governance guide that skews far more business-friendly than the EU had hoped, according to an exclusive report from Reuters, which gained access to confidential draft of the guidance. The draft, which is currently being circulated to tech companies for feedback, by the 10-member ASEAN group of countries, is expected to release this winter.

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Apple’s feature to hide iPhone & iPad Wi-Fi addresses doesn’t actually work

October 31, 2023

For three years, Apple claimed it was protecting the unique MAC Wi-Fi addresses of iPhones and iPads when those joined a network, but it’s just been revealed that this feature doesn’t actually work. In fact, while this unique address was supposed to have been hidden and replaced with a private one, Apple devices have continued to display the real one. This means individuals can be tracked from network to network because the permanent MAC still broadcasted to all other connected devices, but just in a different field.

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Rx – Privacy and transparency for health data

October 31, 2023

Clearly something’s wrong when patients are apprehensive about sharing their data with their healthcare providers. However, according to the Prescribing Privacy Healthcare Report, new from consent management company, Cassie, 72% of US consumers are concerned about potential misuse, and 50% of the 800 consumers surveyed say they trust tech companies more than medical providers to care for their data.

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Movable Ink Integrates With Adobe Journey Optimizer

October 4, 2024

Email and mobile personalization platform Movable Ink has announced a new integration between its Da Vinci content personalization solution and Adobe Journey Optimizer. Joint customers will be able to develop content assets aimed at each individual email recipient and bring them into Adobe Journey Optimizer for deployment. This builds on an existing integration between Movable Ink Da Vinci and Adobe Campaign.

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