
IT’S THE LAW (11/07/2023)

California once more! The Attorney General has just released guidance for state law enforcement agencies that it is illegal for police to share data collected from license plates with federal or out-of-state agencies. This protects important personal privacy, including of immigrants, abortion seekers and protesters.

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Germany rules LinkedIn breached GDPR

November 7, 2023

The regulator agreed with vzbv, a consumer rights organization that LinkedIn can’t ignore ‘Do Not Track’ (DNT) browser setting preferences because that’s in violation of GDPR. This is significant because a lot of other companies have ignored this as a user preference, but LinkedIn which said in a notice it wouldn’t observe DNT, has now been flagged for that and it serves as a test case going forward.

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Children’s Privacy: CARU issues guidelines on how to comply & help kids with the metaverse

November 7, 2023

The Children’s Advertising Review Unit (CARU) has issued a set of guidelines to help businesses comply with privacy laws as they relate to children in the metaverse. Entitled “Building Guardrails for Child-Directed Advertising & Privacy in the Metaverse” it includes advise on helping kids distinguish content from ads and includes questions for businesses considering entering this area.

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