Marketo Study: U.S. Marketers Less Excited About New Technology than Non-U.S. Marketers
Just how widespread is this artificial intelligence thing? It depends on who you ask. A Marketo survey found that 15% of U.S. marketers plan to use AI in 2017 compared with 27% of marketers outside the U.S. Differences were even greater for augmented reality (5% of U.S. marketers vs 22% of non-U.S. marketers) and virtual reality (5% vs. 37%). On the other hand, U.S. marketers were much more likely to plan on using predictive (70% vs 26%). Unless there’s an unknown pool of advanced tech lurking outside the U.S., it seems our overseas colleagues are just more optimistic. Sure enough, Marketo found that 62% of overseas marketers were excited about the impact of new touchpoints compared with just 48% of U.S. marketers. Go figure.