
Mindbox CDP Raises $13 Million to Grow Beyond Russia

The Boris Yelstin Presidential Center doesn’t come up very often in this newsletter, so I’m pleased to report that Mindbox, a Moscow-based integrated marketing systemn and CDP vendor that counts the Yelstin Center among its clients, has raised a $13 million investment to fuel its growth and international expansion.  Boris would be proud.

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65% of Marketers Say Martech Hurts Productivity: Adobe Report

December 13, 2021

Back on more familiar turf, how about a nice Adobe study that reports marketers are struggling to get value from technology?  Yup, 65% say they feel their productivity is harmed by having too many technology options and 65% also say they can’t keep up with tech changes.  Despite the problems, 79% say they regularly use data to make marketing decisions and 77% use it to demonstrate marketing’s value to the rest of the business.  Download for more.

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Users Are Happier with Packaged Software than Home-Built Systems: Antavo Report

December 10, 2021

Build vs buy is not the focus of this Antavo report on customer loyalty systems, but what caught my eye was a 49% satisfaction rate for respondents using a home-built loyalty system compared with 63% for those using a purchased system.  No-code fans will also appreciate that 44% say they’re currently very dependent on their IT team, 76% want to reduce that dependence, and 70% want no-code rule set-up.  Plus lots here on loyalty program trends and impact.

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