Pandemic Spurred Agile Marketing: AgileSherpas
Zip. Zip. Zip. Let’s talk agile. Over there! AgileSherpas found agile marketers are better at adapting to change. Zip!
Zip. Zip. Zip. Let’s talk agile. Over there! AgileSherpas found agile marketers are better at adapting to change. Zip!
Over here! Zip! Crownpeak found 94% of marketers and IT pros say speed and agility are important to digital experience management. Too many big words. Marketers want more speed. Zip!
Ruling enables plaintiffs to revive class action suit claiming the company violated the federal Wiretap Act, a decision Facebook claims could expose other web companies.
It’s all surveys today, Dear Reader. Marigold reports that consumers are eager for personalized content, with 79% saying they’re likely to engage with a personalized email tailored to their interests. Sadly, 33% feel their needs are unmet by current brand messages. Discounts and coupons (95%) top the list of what they want in exchange for personal data, followed closely by loyalty rewards at 94%. Content is last at 61%.