
Retailers Lag in Online Personalization: Redpoint Global Infographic

Retailers lag in meeting the customer expectations for personalized online shopping, according to this Redpoint Global-sponsored infographic.  Just 21% have up-to-date CRM/personalization technology in place, although 60% plan to have current technology within two years.  Just 14% have bought a software package with embedded artificial intelligence or machine learning.

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Microsoft Offers Privacy-ish Alternative to FLoC

April 22, 2021

Microsoft, which really should know better, has announced its own bird-themed ad targeting solution. Inexcusably-named “Parakeet” assigns people to cohorts similar to Google FLoC, but runs ad auctions in a proxy server rather than the user’s browser.  Parakeet was first proposed in February but gained attention this week when Microsoft referred to it in a statement dodging the question of whether it would enable FLoC in its Edge browser.

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Two-Thirds of Gen Z Shopper Won’t Return to Stores: Sitecore Study

April 21, 2021

Any retailers hoping they can avoid improving their online experience by waiting for customers to resume in-store shopping are taking a big risk.  This Sitecore study of Gen Z consumers found that 64% want to keep buying almost everything online.  They’re a demanding bunch: 83% see shopping as an experience, not a transaction, 71% expect highly personalized treatments, and 38% will switch brands after a second bad experience.

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