
Study: Marketers Are Frustrated By MarTech

The Martech Industry Council, a group of 28 B2B martech vendors and users, found that marketers most enjoy creating new campaigns, programs, and events, and least enjoy managing prospect data, developing workflows, and learning new tools. No surprise but worth an occasional reminder. Also no surprise: top frustrations with martech were too many technologies to keep up with and integration. Just 12% said martech was creating “significant” value, although 80% saw “somewhat more value”. The average company used 16 martech products and spent 10-19% of its marketing budget on technology. Quite a bit of other interesting stuff in there. Worth a look.

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70% of Americans Regularly Binge Watch TV Shows: Infographic from @KoeppelDirect

April 7, 2017

It’s Friday and I’m sure you have uplifting activities planned for the weekend: hiking in the Great Outdoors, visiting a science museum, building homes for the homeless, that sort of thing. What, your actual plan is to binge watch Westworld? For better or worse, you’re not alone: 70% of Americans do that at least once a month, according to this unusually interesting infographic on the trends in TV advertising. Lots of fun facts for marketing data geeks. From direct response agency Koeppel Direct.

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Celebros Expands Beyond Site Search to Predictive Personalization

April 5, 2017

But wait, there’s more. Site search vendor Celebros now also offers individual-level Web site personalization, based on its semantic site search predictions. As the company says, it’s “the obvious next step after natural language site search”. Natural language processing is definitely a type of artificial intelligence, although Celebros doesn’t use the term. Apparently they didn’t get the memo. Ay-yi-yi indeed. (Fun fact: I couldn’t find a search function on Celebros’ own Web site.)

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