
Sweden’s IMY regulator responds to pressure; issues €5M fine for Spotify

The Swedish Data Protection Authority (IMY) has issued a fine of 58M Swedish Crown (≈ €5M) to Spotify, for not fully complying with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The complaint lay dormant for several years until activist group noyb filed litigation against IMY over the lack of a decision.

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Facebook Feeding Less Traffic to Other Sites

June 20, 2023

You may recall that Meta is dead set against paying publishers whose links appear on its site.  Coincidentally or not, the traffic from Facebook to such links has fallen by half in the past year, according to data from Echobox.  It seems Meta is showing users more videos instead.  All fine, but Reuters Institute reports that more people get news from social media than news sites and Facebook is still the most common social media news source, although its share is rapidly falling.

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