
“Very Creepy,” according to the first annual Mozilla Creep-o-Meter!

If you’re still looking for a Halloween costume, maybe a creepy privacy theme is the way to go. Lots of choices, whether you want to go as a spying car, a furtive robot, or a globally connected refrigerator, you can scare friends and neighbors who may not realize just how thoroughly and rapidly their privacy is being taken away. Mozilla, which has been tracking corporate privacy for fifteen years, is now setting benchmarks and will identify trends.

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One-Quarter of Ads Serve the Wrong Creative: Claravine Report

October 24, 2023

I was a bit disappointed when this Claravine report on “marketing data standards” turned out to focus narrowly on ad content and campaign data.  Still, it’s intriguing that advertisers estimate that 25% of ads serve consumers the wrong creative, and agencies peg that number at 30%.  CDPs rank fourth on the list of systems used for data standards, behind DSP, CRM, and DAM but ahead of CMS, data clouds, and marketing automation.

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The ghost of a Facebook class action just showed itself to Meta

October 24, 2023

Way back in 2015, the discovery of Cambridge Analytica’s data breach that exposed the data of ~87 million Facebook users was shocking and was a story we didn’t know would be the harbinger of many to come. But while Meta may have hoped to have exorcised this Facebook ghost, a shareholder’s class action accusing the company of misuse of user data while it knew that Cambridge Analytica violated its privacy policies has just been revived by a U.S. appeals court.

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Braze and Movable Ink Expand Partnership on Personalization

February 10, 2025

Movable Ink has announced that its Da Vinci AI-driven personalization solution is now fully compatible with customer engagement platform Braze. Da Vinci’s content, personalized uniquely for each customer, can now be incorporated into Braze’s customer journey orchestration across email, push, SMS and WhatsApp. Movable Ink and Braze describe the initiative as an entrance to the “Omniverse,” which we hope does better than the Metaverse.

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