
Wanted: Operations specialist with commitment to cookie-less advertising and in-depth knowledge of GDPR compliance to oversee Unified ID 2.0 implementation throughout EU

Tough position to fill, according to multiple sources familiar with a new role at The Trade Desk (TTD), which runs the ad exchange marketers use to select audiences on an ad bidding exchange. This is a key role as the ad industry heads into a new post-cookie world intending to supplant those with a unified, encrypted form of ID compliant with GDPR regulations. Speculation is that overseeing this for digital ad spending, which is projected to hit $91.44 billion in Western Europe by 2025, is a hard job to commit to, as it is likely to come with liability if there were found to be GDPR violations. TTD has said it is partners and organizations around the world on the regional rollout.

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IT’S THE LAW (11/23/2021)

November 23, 2021

A US federal law, newly passed as part of the infrastructure  bill, mandates that car makers integrate anti-drunk-driving tech into all new cars within the next three years. Advocates for the Driver Alcohol Detection System for Safety (DADSS) technology believe the addition of breath-sniffing sensors and finger-scanning detectors will achieve a goal long-sought to prevent drunk driving, while opponents voiced concerns over invasion of privacy.

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Children’s Privacy: Common Sense Media finds most popular kid tech companies falling short on privacy safeguards

November 23, 2021

Common Sense Media’s 2021 State of Kids’ privacy report shows privacy protection provided by companies is far below parental expectations and doesn’t meet Common Sense’s minimum privacy threshold. The organization evaluated 200 of the most popular kids tech and edtech applications and services over 5-years and, while overall median scores increased year-over-year by 20%, 74% did not meet Common Sense’s minimum privacy recommendations.

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