
AB Tasty Buys Epoq to Add Site Search and Recommendations

Personalization and experimentation vendor AB Tasty is also claiming a first: it just acquired site search and recommendation vendor Epoq, which it says makes it the “first in our class to offer the market a consolidated approach to delivering relevant and consistent digital customer experiences.”  The main story here is bundling of experiment-based optimization, recommendations, and search.

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Optimizely Announces Real-Time Segmentation

October 6, 2022

Those nice people at Optimizely are terribly excited about Real-Time Segmentation, their “new, first-of-its-kind offering that allows marketers to segment customers in the moment of engagement to deliver highly relevant, personalized digital experiences.” Exactly what’s different from other real-time personalization products isn’t clear, and you’ll have to wait to judge for yourself: it’s available only in beta to select customers.

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Persado Adds API to Generate Personalized Messages

October 6, 2022

Persado goes beyond “first” to call itself the “only” company to generate personalized marketing messages with a “transformer model fully connected and pre-trained on behavioral data.” They say this “selects the words that will drive action” in ways that other systems do not, and who am I to argue? (Learn about transformer models.) What’s new today is they’ve added an API to embed this magic in other vendors’ systems.

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