
Companies with Better CX Had Better Pandemic Results: XM Institute

One causal relationship that’s pretty clear is better customer experience leads to better financial performance – at least where monopolies are not involved.  This report from Qualtrics’ XM Institute proves the point yet again, showing that companies with a high CX rating at the start of the pandemic substantially outperformed their peers during 2020.  The authors argue that companies with better CX were more agile, which let them adapt more effectively to pandemic challenges.

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Automation Is Key to Data Quality Success: TWDI Report

July 18, 2022

IT staff often feel better about their data than business users.  Sure enough, this TWDI survey of IT professionals found nearly half (46%) say they rarely have data quality problems, and only 24% say problems occur often.  The report finds that successful data quality programs are much more likely to use AI-based tools than unsuccessful programs (70% vs 19%).  It also offers a nice data quality maturity model, if you’re into self-assessment or want to torture someone who isn’t.

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Consumers Eager for Personalized Content: Marigold

September 13, 2024

It’s all surveys today, Dear Reader.  Marigold reports that consumers are eager for personalized content, with 79% saying they’re likely to engage with a personalized email tailored to their interests.  Sadly, 33% feel their needs are unmet by current brand messages.  Discounts and coupons (95%) top the list of what they want in exchange for personal data, followed closely by loyalty rewards at 94%.  Content is last at 61%.

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