In Brief: Safari API bug that allows site tracking of browsing activity is identified by browser fingerprinting service
Researchers at FingerprintJS say the leak allows websites to learn what other sites are visited during a given session.
Researchers at FingerprintJS say the leak allows websites to learn what other sites are visited during a given session.
“Look, it’s Haley’s Comet!”…Britain’s PM Boris Johnson (who, it would seem should have enough COVID-party pr problems to not open this can of worms) has just hired the M&C Saatchi ad agency to launch a campaign to get the public to oppose end-to-end encryption following Facebook’s decision to encrypt its Messenger app. According to Rolling Stone, the planned media blitz is designed to make the public uneasy by claiming such encryption would diminish their ability to keep kids safe.
New rules would require notifying customers when data was left exposed in an “inadvertent” breach as well as when there are cyberattacks.
AI-edited content is less concerning than AI-generated content — that’s the takeaway from Meta’s adjustment to its AI labeling on Facebook and other platforms. The “AI info” label will continue to appear on AI-generated content. Where content has only been modified or edited using AI, the label will appear more demurely in the post’s menu.