Innit Acquires ShopWell To Grow Its Connected Food Platform
Innit lives at the crazy intersection of mobile apps, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, location-based services, loyalty management, and heaven knows what else. They plan later this year to launch a “connected food platform” that “will empower consumers with advanced, personalized features spanning the entire food lifecycle, from meal planning, shopping and preparation, to automated cooking on smart appliances”. To move things along, they’ve just acquired ShopWell Labs, whose mobile app provides consumers with personalized nutrition recommendations, allergy alerts and ingredient analysis for foods the consumer scans on the shelf or has purchased in a transaction linked to a loyalty card. The app has been downloaded over 2.5 million times. Innit has raised $43 million in funding and ShopWell had raised just over $11 million. Price for ShopWell wasn’t disclosed.