
US and UK business leaders worry about keeping up with privacy regulation

Womble Bond’s second annual survey asked more than 200 business leaders about top privacy concerns and found only 50% of organizations feel very prepared to address the many privacy laws in a fast-changing global landscape. Only 34% report having conducted data mapping and having a clear understanding of data practices at their company.

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IT’S THE LAW (07/25/2023)

July 25, 2023

Governors in Maine and Connecticut signed legislation to protect women’s rights. In Maine, this includes the right to have an abortion, protection for healthcare providers, and preventing the enactment of ordinances in conflict with Maine’s Reproductive Privacy Act. In Connecticut, laws protect medical providers from out-of-state legal actions and pharmacists to allow prescribing birth control. Another ensures patient health data privacy. Read More – Maine Read More – Connecticut

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Children’s Privacy: Amazon agrees to $25M settlement in Alexa-related suit

July 25, 2023

The civil suit alleged Amazon violated the Children’s Online Privacy Protection (COPPA) law and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Act because it collected children’s voice-print data via its Alexa voice assistant service and Alexa’s child-directed offerings. The claim was that Amazon was retaining children’s recordings indefinitely, rather than adhering to COPPA rules that they be kept only as long as reasonably necessary to fulfill its business services.

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Movable Ink Integrates With Adobe Journey Optimizer

October 4, 2024

Email and mobile personalization platform Movable Ink has announced a new integration between its Da Vinci content personalization solution and Adobe Journey Optimizer. Joint customers will be able to develop content assets aimed at each individual email recipient and bring them into Adobe Journey Optimizer for deployment. This builds on an existing integration between Movable Ink Da Vinci and Adobe Campaign.

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