
Archive for April, 2021

Categories : CDPI Newsletter
Dates : April 2021 and Socure Each Raise $100 Million for Digital Identity

April 7, 2021
Digital identity is about trusting that someone is who they say they are – or, rather, finding ways to check their claim. It’s becoming more important to marketers as they rely more on first-party data. So you might care that identity network, which gives consumers control over their own credentials, recently raised a $100 million Series C. A bit before that, identity verifier Socure had its own $100 million round.
CDPI Newsletter

Verizon Media and Catalina Share Data for Online-Offline Campaign Reporting

April 5, 2021
In other non-avian tracking news, Verizon Media has partnered with Catalina to combine Catalina’s retail purchase data on 236 million individuals with Verizon’s information about the online activities of the 900 million-ish people in its global ID graph.  The company announcement says the combined data will be used to measure campaign performance.  There’s no mention of using it to target ads at individuals.
CDPI Newsletter

SWAN Offers Open Source Cookie Alternative

April 5, 2021
The horrifying plague of bird-themed advertising ID solutions has expanded with SWAN, a proposal for an open-source network that lets consumers consent to being tracked, drops a first party cookie with a unique ID, and then applies that consent and the cookie across many participating Web sites. The concept has backing from adtech companies including Zeta Global, 51Degrees, Open X, ENGINE Media Exchange (EMX), PubMatic, Rich Audience and Sirdata. I’d like it better if SWAN didn’t also offer SWIFT and OWID.
CDPI Newsletter