
Ad Outcome Measurement Is Hard: Media Rating Council

March 22, 2021
Elsewhere in Measurement Land, the Media Rating Council’s project to standardize advertising outcomes measurement has emerged with unintentionally hilarious conclusions that “there was not consensus by practitioners around a single method by which to measure outcomes” and “most users view current outcomes measurement as a largely opaque process in need of much greater transparency.”  Jamie in our Department of the Obvious is impressed.
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Yotpo Raises $230 Million to Grow Customer Engagement Platform

March 19, 2021
We also have a $230 million Series F from Yotpo, which offers customer engagement modules for SMS messaging, loyalty and referrals, and user reviews, comments, and content. It’s an integrated platform but also connects with ecommerce platforms including Shopify, Magento, SAP, Salesforce, and BigCommerce. Total funding is now $406 million and the deal values the company at $1.4 billion, a hefty 14x their $100 million revenue.
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Just 17% of Companies Do a Good Job Tracking Lifetime Value: Deloitte Digital and CMO Council

March 18, 2021
But, hey, we can’t spend all our time worrying about privacy.  So let’s worry that 44% of marketers aren’t effectively targeting their marketing to improve lifetime customer value.  In fact, just 17% even do a good job of tracking it, according to Deloitte Digital and CMO Council.  Good news for CDP fans: marketers top priority for the next 12 months is building a unified customer view.
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Adtech Vendors Rush to Fill the Identity Gap

March 18, 2021
Bees to honey or sharks to blood? Either way, adtech vendors keep swarming to replace lost customer identifiers. In today’s news: ad platform LoopMe reports its predictive models for inflight campaign optimization work 96% as well when identifiers are removed, apparently because they look at real-time behaviors rather than history. MetricWorks has combined econometrics and automated experiments to measure the incremental impact of mobile marketing campaigns. Amobee and InfoSum are partnering to enhance Amobee’s audience targeting with InfoSum’s privacy-safe audience data.
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Salesforce Adds ABM Features

March 17, 2021
Salesforce is claiming a bit more Account Based Marketing turf with a pair of new features.  One uses Einstein AI to find and prioritize key accounts.  The other, more intriguingly, lets marketers create “personalized ABM campaigns for every buyer within top-tier accounts…even if they do not have any contacts for that account”.   That’s either really hard or really easy.  I think what they mean is the campaigns are ready to go when a contact does show up.
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