
Archive for April, 2021

Categories : CDPI Newsletter
Dates : April 2021

Consumers Reject Passwords as Security Measure

April 20, 2021
This Experian report finds that security is also a high concern for consumers, with 55% saying it’s the most important aspect of their online experience.    Businesses agree, rating fraud detection as their second-highest digital CX priority, well ahead of decisioning software, staff, and fixing legacy technology.  Intriguingly, consumers said they prefer biometrics, PIN codes, and behavioral analytics over passwords.  Interesting breakouts by region and age.
CDPI Newsletter

Swaarm Offers Mobile Ad Attribution Without Apple IDFA

April 19, 2021
Marketers are spending lots of time looking for ways to track people without third party cookies and device IDs.  Let’s look at methods that don’t require tracking.  We’ll start with adtech vendor Swaarm, whose just-introduced “PEA Chain” offers accurate revenue attribution without Apple’s IDFA device ID.  The trick is that each ad click generates a token that captures all previous traffic sources and campaigns, eliminating the need to stitch the chain together using the IDFA as the connector.
CDPI Newsletter

Ladorian and inReality Target POS Messages Based on Shopper Behaviors

April 19, 2021
Ladorian delivers messages to point-of-sale devices, using AI to tailor each message based on everything from inventory to weather to shopper behavior patterns (but not individual profiles). They’ve just added inputs from inReality, which uses in-store cameras to classify the mood, age, gender, and behavior of individual shoppers at specific locations (without identifying them).  Is anonymous surveillance an oxymoron?
CDPI Newsletter

Personalized Experiences Least-Favored Way to Improve Loyalty: Persado Survey

April 16, 2021
Marketers rate personalized experiences below better customer experience, better onboarding, more offering awareness, and even more flexible payment terms in their plans to increase loyalty, according to this Persado survey.    Very interesting, although the real focus of the survey was the use of artificial intelligence in marketing.  In a nutshell: it’s growing, profitable, and increasingly used to create content.  Download for details.
CDPI Newsletter

Wyng Launches Zero-Party Data Portal and Recommendations

April 16, 2021
Why settle for replacing third party data with second- or first-party data when you can take it all the way to zero, asked no one ever.  But that hasn’t stopped Wyng from touting its zero-party data solutions, which get customers to intentionally share their data through quizzes, surveys, product finders, and such.  The company has just added two new components: a portal to let customers directly update their information and a zero-party-data-based recommendation engine.
CDPI Newsletter