
Archive for September, 2022

Categories : CDPI Newsletter
Dates : September 2022

Half of Third-Party Data Signals Have Been Lost: IAB Report

September 14, 2022
The folks at Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) are in a sour mood, judging by this report.  They find that actions from Apple, Firefox, and others have already removed half of the “signal fidelity” once provided by third-party identifiers, with even greater losses on the way.  Yet IAB sees state-level privacy regulation as an even greater threat.  Worse still, companies are doing a poor job in getting ready for the new situation.   Color them glum.
CDPI Newsletter

B2B Marketers Want a Simpler Tech Stack: Anteriad Study

September 14, 2022
B2B marketers have their own complaints.  Intent data collector Anteriad reports that 61% feel their tech stack is too complex (if we include the 19% who compare their stack to a black hole).  The bright side is that companies with fully integrated data show better business results.  Also noteworthy: 33% have a CDP, comparable to marketing automation (35%), marketing databases (32%) and Data Management Platforms (31%), but still far behind CRM (61%).
CDPI Newsletter

Most Marketers Still Depend on IT for Data Access: Lytics Survey

September 13, 2022
Marketers are much less satisfied with their IT relationships than their IT partners think: nearly 30% call the relationship strained or abysmal, compared to 10% of IT leaders.  This according to a Lytics survey which also found that 75% of marketers rely on IT for data access and 81% expect IT to be even more involved in day-t0-day marketing activities over the next five years.  Marketers would like more control if they could get it: 44% plan to hire a software engineer of their own in the next year and... Read More >
CDPI Newsletter

Apple Ads Gain from Apple Privacy Measures: Appsumer Study

September 12, 2022
Who doesn’t love the consumer control provided by Apple’s App Tracking Transparency (ATT) program?  Mobile app advertisers and ad sellers who lose access to consumer data, that’s who.  This Appsumer report finds Apple itself is the biggest winner, growing its share of mobile app advertising from 10% in the second quarter of 2021 to 15% one year later, while Facebook’s share fell from 32% to 28%.
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