What’s the ROI for a Customer Data Platform? It’s In The Way That You Use It. By Tom Quinn, Refined PathJanuary 24, 2018 I'm often asked 'Whats the ROI from investing in a CDP?'
Top 7 New Year’s Resolutions for Tag Management By Ty Gavin, TealiumJanuary 22, 2018 Say goodbye to bad habits and say hello to the new year ahead.
Signs You Need a Customer Data Platform By David Raab, CDP InstituteJanuary 12, 2018 Someone asked me the other day for a list of reasons someone would buy a CDP and what they'd get.
The Problem with, And a Solution to, Inaccurate Customer Data By Matthew Kelleher, RedEyeNovember 30, 2017 How accurate is the customer data that you hold?
The Good Ol’ Campaign: Birthdays Still Matter By Omer Liss, OptimoveNovember 10, 2017 Birthday emails are one of the most-common tricks up a marketer's sleeve.
How to Use a Customer Data Platform to Increase Your Facebook Engagement By Samuel Carter, FosphaOctober 13, 2017 As of July 2017, Facebook had 1.32 billion users log on daily – arguably making it the most powerful social media platform for marketers today.
A Primer To Channel Orchestration By Subra Krishnan, VizuryOctober 11, 2017 Channel orchestration is a technique by which marketers can intelligently sequence different marketing channels for a given segment of users to maximize both positive user experience and also user engagement.
How a Customer Data Platform Can Unlock +30% ROI in Paid Search By Sam Carter, FosphaAugust 28, 2017 The customer journey is becoming increasingly complex – with customers using multiple devices, channels and sessions in their path to purchase.
Using CDPs to Support Analytics By David Raab, CDP InstituteFebruary 14, 2017 It may seem self-evident that the reason marketers create a unified customer view is to give customers a unified experience (or, more precisely, an optimal experience driven by unified data).
Top 10 Web Personalization Use Cases Powered By Customer Data Platforms By Julia Farina, LyticsFebruary 1, 2017 According to eMarketer research, 67 percent of marketers surveyed said they personalize their websites by leveraging consumer behavior-based data.